Hi Everyone

I would like to share what I am up to during my stay in the UK! Follow me as I explore the city, learn new things and experience life in a new country. I will miss all my friends but remember I am only a phone call, text, or skype away!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Finally, an Update!!

I don't know where to start! Sorry, I have not been updating my blog.  Let's see... since October and my last post my life has changed because of classes getting harder & harder!

For each module (class) we have had a to complete an intense group project! It has been SO much work. I have learned a lot about ME! Would I like to work with myself? Maybe!  Yes, because I think I am reliable, hardworking, and PROMPT!  But, also NO... because maybe I am a little grumpy when I hungry!! :)

Thank you to all my group members!

 In one of the buildings there is a little room called the "Post Graduate Common Room" .

It has become all everyone's second home. Some proof:

fadi sleeping

Miguel sleeping

Rishi sleeping
Valeria just taking a break!

I have never taken a nap in the common room because I DON'T want a pic to end up on the internet :)

So, what have we all been working on?

Some highlights:

For my Advertising Management and Brand Delivery Class, our group had to be an "Ad Agency" and create a pitch for  any product that we chose!
we were created on november 10, 2010

We chose Whole Foods. It's been in London since 2007 but it's not doing very well compared to the States!

One of the print ads we created:

 For my Consumer "Behaviour" Module:
 My group had to create a youtube presentation based on our paper. We chose CHIPOTLE!! yes, ill admit it- this one was my idea!

My group member said she would kill me if I posted the entire thing but this is the introduction featuring... me!! Just an FYI I had strep and a fever during filming which is why I do NOT look my best.

 I don't have any cool pictures or videos from the other projects! Sorry!

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